Why should anyone give a fuck?

David Buonaguidi

“The world is divided into two types of people... Batteries and Sponges”

It’s the million dollar question.

The answer is very simple. Because.
Giving a fuck gives you meaning, it gives you a focus and a mission.
Sadly the world is divided into two types of people. Lions and donkeys, batteries and sponges. Those who give a fuck and those who don’t.
Giving a fuck is the thing that separates the two. Too many people don’t give a fuck because too many people would never notice anyway, and that is why we find ourselves in a world where most movies are shit, because not enough people gave a fuck, and they know that people will watch them anyway, and most ads are shit because not enough people gave a fuck. Strangely, the music industry and art still seem to be trying, because often the buck stops with an individual, the artist. The artist has followers and fans who demand something and have expectations and if those fans are disappointed by the product, they leave and that can be disastrous. The control of the fucks that are given is held in the hands of someone who actually cares. However. Films and ads are put together by huge groups of people who have an agenda to make money above and beyond much else. Corners are cut, budgets are cut, a cynical agenda creeps in, where quality, effort and a desire to make something better than ‘good enough’ takes a back seat.

David Buonaguidi, A Curate's Egg

Why should anyone give a fuck?

Because. It’s just better when someone does.

David Buonaguidi, A Curate's Egg

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