Why Pick a fight?

Alex Lewis

“if people don’t love or hate what you do you haven’t done anything”…

Alex Lewis has been a senior planner at AMV BBDO and Ogilvy. Now he’s a founder of new agency Revolt with the humble ambition to be the agency of record for all the people who want to change the world.”

Revolt plans to do this by ‘picking fights’ with current societal issues on behalf of brands. Its very interesting, and it’s feisty and it will require finding clients brave enough to stick their necks out.

So Alex, why pick a fight?

Because the world is on fire.

Because it’s time to decide which side of history you want to stand on.

Because we’ve heard all those words before.

Because angry energy with nowhere to go can soon turn into despair.

Because when everyone else is silent, you’ll be amazed how loud one voice can be.

Because there are battles small enough to win but big enough to matter.

Because people will forget what you said, but they will always remember what you fought for.

Because if people don’t love or hate what you do you haven’t done anything.

Because Tyler Durden was right: how much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?

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